Sunday, March 22, 2020

Love in the Time of Corona: Update Three

The author, getting dressed for the quarantine
Starting to lose track of the days now, as this "vacation" goes on and on....

Today I woke up with the desire to look "cute" in the face of this scary, oppressive presence called Covid 19.  (Author's Note:  At age 56.3, I'm not naive:  My notion of the word "cute" is super-specific at this point in my life.)  I'm tired of lazing around in pajamas or sweats -- my sons are unabashedly running around in just their underwear all day, like some high-tech, indoor version of "Lord of the Flies."

I had that Johnny Deppian urge to accessorize -- to break out the Rasta pooka shell necklace and multi-colored rubber bracelets, and to actually wear pants that require a BELT.  (Gasp!)  I'm tempted to re-perforate my earlobe and put in an earring, even though I know my lovely bride will object as she does every time I get this impulse.

Is this what Cabin Fever looks like?  A game of dress-up?  How many more days till I'm trying to jam my feet into my wife's size-7 pumps?

God help us all if this gets to that point.

God help us all....

1 comment:

  1. Very funny, Dan! I will check in with you each day from now on to see how the Covid costume evolves!! Stay safe and stay funny 😄 miss you!
