Friday, January 14, 2011

A Boy And His Dog-Lust

I have a confession to make: My resolve to deny my son Jackson his request for a dog is beginning to flag. I was proud of myself when we got through Christmas without giving in to the incessant questioning: "Are y'all gonna get me a dog?" "Is Santa bringing me a dog?" "How come Brady has a dog?" "Did you have a dog when you were five?" "How come you had a dog, and I can't have a dog."

I say I'm proud because there were a number of you betting on the fact that Jeanette and I would cave in, and we didn't. I guess you figured that the kid is so darned cute he's bound to get to us eventually. My wife and I have stayed on the same script: "When a family decides to have a dog, everyone has to be ready, and we're not all ready just yet."

And he bought that for a while, but I think he feels my resolve starting to crumble. He tries to get me to participate in straw polls when I give him this answer now, responding with, "Well, Daddy, are you one of the people who is ready, or not ready." Unconvincingly I explain that I'm one of the not-readys.

In addition to the strategy I mentioned above, (staying "on-message" with Jeanette) I have tried a couple of other tactics to respond to Jackson's manipulation. He and I sat at the computer and wrote a little story together about a boy named Jackson and his dog named Blinky (or something like that). We even found a picture of Blinky from Google images. (He's a chihuahua.) Jackson liked it so much, we printed it out and stuck it on his bedroom door. We've also visited a couple of dogs. We stopped in on our neighbors, an elderly couple, who let Jackson feed their chihuahua, Pepper.

I think it was this dog-visiting strategy that led to the wane in my resolve. Last weekend I took the boys up to Round Rock to visit my old high school buddy, Mignon Young, and to meet their new puppy, Tuffy. I took a few pictures with my Blackberry, not expecting much. The photo quality is okay, but no great shakes.

Unfortunately, God can sometimes be a cruel trickster, because as I was looking through those shots, I came across the one I've included above. The expression on my son's face is so full of love and wonder and joy and DAMMIT! I can hear Jeanette already. "Stay the course, Dan. Stay the course."

I know, I know, but come on. I mean, look at that face. I'm slipping. I don't want to pick up dog poop.

But I'm slipping.


  1. uh huh, it's only a matter of time ... sounds like you've already bought Jackson's dog you just don't know it yet.

  2. There's actually one very real issue that's stopped me thus far: my job requires me to travel about six to ten days a month. This dog would be Jeanette's dog, so until she's ready to say okay, Jackson will just have to wait. In other words, by polling me, he's barking up the wrong tree. (I know. Sorry. Couldn't resist.)
