Friday, March 20, 2020

Love in the Time of Corona: Update Two

Our government is currently arguing over three proposals that will put checks in the mail to help Americans through this health crisis, which has quickly become a major economic crisis, as well.  While every little bit will be appreciated, I can't help but picture Mitch McConnell or Chuck Schumer or whoever, trying to decide between a thimble or a shot glass full of water to throw at this raging house fire called Covid 19.  (If I were a political cartoonist, this is what I'd draw.)

Probably the most shocking new "development" I learned about yesterday (and I'm hesitant to use that word, because things are changing so quickly) came when I learned of thousands of Spring Breakers who are crowding some of the beaches in Florida.

There are a variety of ways to feel about this.  My initial, gut-level reaction was something along the lines of "What the fuck is wrong with you people?"  (A reaction I'm sure is NOT in short supply.)  Later, a friend on Facebook railed at the parents for allowing their children to go, despite the warnings we're hearing all day, every day, from world health officials.  I have yet to hear an interview with one of these parents, defending that decision, though I'm certain these are the same "very stable geniuses" decrying the call for social distancing as an attack on their civil liberties, using in the "disguise of caring about our safety."  (I read those words on Facebook.)  I was never a Spring Breaker myself, so I'm not quite sure how it works.  I'd assume that in most cases the weeklong debauchery is at least partially bankrolled by Mommy and Daddy.  And when it's not -- when Junior has saved enough for the most elfin' awesome of awesomest weeks ever -- isn't it the parents' job to help that young person to understand their duty during this, the strangest of times?

(I certainly would...)

If anyone reading this made the decision to allow your offspring to partake this year, I'd be interested to hear your thinking.

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